Thursday, November 6, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

I just love going to the Pumpkin Patch! This has now become a family tradition for Sophia. We went last year and Sophia started asking about it 2 months before they opened this year. We were not going to get out of going. It's a lot of fun. Lots of things to do. There are two moonwalks. One is a traditional one for the little ones. It's shaped like a pumpkin. That is always the first thing that she has to do. Of course it's right there as you walk in. It's a little tricky trying to take a picture through the plastic windows. LOL.After a nice jump then it is off to the cow train. For some reason she wanted me to go with her this time. The cars are definitely made for kids and not moms. I know that my back end has expanded over the years but jeeze o' pete I did not think it had expanded that much. You need to a contortionist to get into one of those. And then to have a 5 year old sit on your lap. I think she will ride by herself next year. The animal cut outs are a big hit too. Sophia had to have her picture taken in each one.

Then we had to climb the hay bale mountain. Sophia calls it the straw mountain. Looks like great fun huh? But you get little bits of hay stuck
in your jeans. In various places. Not too comfortable. But worth it when you see the smiles she gives ya.

The second moonwalk think is actually a called a pillow. Sophia loves this one. This is what she talks about the most. I can go on this one with her. It is lots of fun.

Sophia found a hay bale maze that she just could not get enough of. She almost worked up the courage to go down the big slides. They were big
tubes that went through a big hill. We'd get to the top and in line and then she would chicken out. She has not been a real big fan of slides. Getting better but I don't think she's ready for the big ones. Then of course was the maze. We did pretty good. Last year we got lost. This year we did okay. Lost out place on the map but we found the clues and that got us out in about 30 minutes. Of course Sophia was thrilled with the design. Cinderella in her carriage.

After the maze we took the hayride out to the pumpkin patch. It was great fun. Sophia conked out in the truck on the way home. She's still talking about it 2 weeks later. Can't wait until next year.