Monday, December 1, 2008

First Field Trip

Sophia went on her first field trip last week. She was very excited. They went to the Zoo. I was able to go with her. We were lucky and I was not assigned any other child except her. Because of safety issues the school asks that parents who help out be fingerprinted at the main office. Bernie and and I have not gone down to do that yet. The parents who had not been fingerprinted yet were asked to stick with parents that had. We paired up with two parents that we knew from church. That's always nice. But we some how got separated. Really wasn't worried since it was just Sophia and me. We had a blast even though we were a little late for lunch. And all the kids were hungry within 30 minutes of getting there. LOL. It was a little cold with a slight breeze. But it was fun. Sophia's favorite were the seals. She kept running back and forth between the windows of the tank to watch one of them swim back and forth. The seals here are usually really playful and like to show off. We had to go back 3 times to watch them.

The prairie dogs are always cute. Growing up we loved to watch any nature show that had prairie dogs. After 7 going on 8 years living here, I still love to see them. Just about any open space around here has prairie dogs. Most people here though view them as pests. Right up there with mice and rats. LOL. Of course I have not had a yard torn up by these adorable creatures.

Sophia was also excited to see the giraffes, zebras, and elephants. She liked the monkeys and always enjoys the flamingos. Probably because they are pink.

She did not care for the python that looked like it was looking right at her. She was quite happy to get out of the reptile house. LOL.

She was also thrilled to see the cheetahs. She loves the Cheetah Girls on Disney. Anything with a cheetah like print is Cheetah Girls. So needless to say she was excited to see real cheetahs.

A good time was had by all. And Sophia was asleep by 5 PM and did not wake up until 7 AM. We walked her little behind off!! It was a great first field trip.