Thursday, January 28, 2010

Contest at Chicken Stitches Blog

I found this blog a couple of months ago and just love it. It's by a lady who lives in New York City. She is Jewish and originally from Russia. She loves to knit and crochet just like me! She is having a contest on her blog to celebrate her anniversary in the blogging world. You can win some beautiful stitch markers, row counters, and yarn. What could be better? LOL. Check it out. There is a link to on my side bar. Just click on Chicken Stitches. She has some interesting stories, pretty projects, and beautiful kids. :0)


Henya said...

Thank you very mach. Good Luck.

Henya said...

Guess what?! You won!
Please get in touch with me, so I can send you your goodies. Congrats.