Monday, July 27, 2009

Last Week of July!!

Can't believe that it is the last week of July already. The summer is almost over and I have no idea where it has gone. I have not completed half the projects that I wanted to get done. Still have some outfits to make for Sophia. Luckily it stays hot here until the end of September so she should be able to wear them for 2 more months.

Tyler is progressing with his mission paperwork. He has his dental clearance done and has an appointment in August for the medical clearance. He will be ordained an elder at the end of August and he and I started Temple Prep class yesterday. Can't believe that it's actually going to happen. I am excited for him. I will miss him but it will be an amazing experience for him.

In a few short weeks Sophia will start 1st grade. She is growing so fast. She loves school and can't wait for it to start. I can wait. The house is so quiet during the school year. I know that I should enjoy it and I'm sure I will one day. LOL. The big thing with her right now is going to be trying to get her back on a school like schedule. She has been staying up late and getting up late. Need to use the next couple of weeks to get back into the early to bed early rise mode. Don't want that struggle when school starts.

Going to try to take some pictures of the kids this week and post them. I still need to scan their school pictures from last year. Sophia got the cutest outfit from my mom. Need to take some pictures of her in it. It's really cute.

Until next time...

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